Dr Ye Li
Dr Ye Li is a second-year ophthalmology registrar with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO). In addition to clinical and surgical training, she continues to be involved with various research endeavours. Dr Li’s interest in research stems from her passion for providing innovative and evidence-based patient care.
Before completing her residency in Brisbane, she graduated from medical school at the University of Auckland in 2019. Throughout this time, she took part in various laboratory and clinical projects primarily involving ocular imaging, keratoconus, corneal transplantation, macular degeneration, and paediatric vision screening.
Under the guidance of her supervisors and mentors, she actively publishes in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, routinely presents at international meetings, and is a peer reviewer for indexed journals. She has received various awards including the NZ William MacKenzie medal for early excellence in ophthalmology research, best Young Ophthalmologist presentation at the Asia-Pacific Vitreoretinal Society Congress, best video at RANZCO congress, and first place in the University of Auckland Biomedical Imaging and Research Unit imaging competition in time-lapse biomicroscopy.
As an honorary lecturer at the University of Queensland, she has taught in various medical student surgical workshops and enjoys teaching residents.
Dr Li is enthusiastic about working on clinically relevant projects with the Vision for Life Institute to provide optimised care for patients.”